2024 Taiwanese Culture Week - FOCA Song of the Land
6月02日 週日
To celebrate the annual Asian Heritage Month & Taiwan Culture Week, ETA is honored to introduce the renown Formosa Circus Arts (FOCA) to the audience in the City of Edmonton.
Time & Location 時間地點
2024年6月02日 下午6:00 – 下午8:00
Edmonton, 8900 114 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7, Canada
About The Event 關於活動
Join us to celebrate Asian Heritage Month and Taiwanese Culture Week with an unforgettable performance by FOCA - Formosa Circus Art from TAIWAN - Brought to you by Edmonton Taiwanese Association
Prepare to be mesmerized by an 80-minute extravaganza that promises fun for the whole family! Watch in awe as FOCA showcases breathtaking acrobatic feats that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Feel the rhythm as talented performers deliver captivating live renditions of beloved Taiwanese melodies. Don't miss out on this unique cultural experience that celebrates the rich heritage of Taiwan. Get your tickets now and be part of an unforgettable evening of entertainment and joy!
來自臺灣這片富饒之地,FOCA為您帶來一場引人入勝的當代馬戲《土地的歌》。這個節目將帶領觀眾穿越時空,透過馬戲藝術結合現場歌唱,呈現臺灣這塊土地上的多樣文化和動 人故事。 從六百萬年前的臺灣誕生,到八千多年前原住民族的出現,再到二十一世紀的今天,小而美的臺灣,承載了豐富的歷史與文化,在漫長的歷史中,我們的土地孕育了多元的族群, 交織出豐富多樣的故事,這正是我們引以為傲的家鄉。透過傳統技藝與現代馬戲的巧妙結合,以及流行歌曲與古老樂曲的交融,以大旗、武術、倒立、大環、立方體、扯鈴、疊羅漢等精彩項目,串連出一場引人入勝的馬戲歌舞劇。 這場馬戲歌舞劇將帶來難得的視聽盛宴,讓觀眾感受臺灣這片土地所蘊含的豐富意義和美 麗風情。通過四大段落:「看見臺灣」、「臺灣巨人」、「翻轉臺灣」和「擁抱臺灣」, 我們將展現臺灣文化的多元面貌,無論是與家人共享佳節喜悅,還是感懷過去的美好回憶,都將在這場精彩的演出中得到完美的表現。
Event Info | 活動資訊
- Date | 日期: Sunday June 2, 2024
- Time | 時間: 6:00 – 8:00 PM (Door opens at 5:00 PM for reception | 5:00 PM 開放入場)
- Location: Myer Horowitz Theatre (8900 114 St NW, Edmonton)
Tickets | 票價
- Regular: $25 + service charges
- Early Bird (before May 19): $20 + serivice charges
- Group (minimum 10 tickets): $20 + serivice charges
Watch videos from FOCA: https://www.youtube.com/@FOCA
Visit FOCA website: https://foca.tw/en/