愛城台灣同鄉會 - 2024春季舞蹈課程 | ETA Dance - 2024 Spring Edition
5月17日 週五
|Motives Dance and Fitness
Time & Location 時間地點
2024年5月17日 下午6:30 – 下午7:30
Motives Dance and Fitness, 5405 99 St NW Unit 101, Edmonton, AB T6E 3N8, Canada
About The Event 關於活動
ETA Dance - Spring Program
ETA舞蹈工作坊 - 春季課程
Due to popular demands, we’re bringing back the fun dance classes! This time we’re running the program for the entire term of April 5 to June 7! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to move with ETA and enjoy the fun with other community members!
時間 |When:
April 5 - June 7 (every Friday at 6:30 - 7:30 PM)
- 整季:ETA會員優惠價每人$25;非ETA會員每人$50
- 單堂:每人每堂$5
- Full Term: $25 for ETA members; $50 for non-ETA members
- Drop-in: $5 for both ETA and non-ETA members
Motives Dance and Fitness (5405 99 St NW Unit 101, Edmonton, AB T6E 3N8)
Check out the photos from the 2023 workshop
Q1: 舞蹈課程會不會很難?Are the dance moves difficult?
A1: 我們的流行有氧舞蹈課程結合多種流行舞蹈元素,再融入基礎有氧律動,目的為抒發身心壓力、開心地運動,舞蹈老師也會針對大家的經驗以及課堂中的情況調整舞步。不用怕沒有舞蹈底子,無論你是門外漢或是資深舞棍,都歡迎來參加。
It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, this dance workshop is suitable for all levels. By integrating multiple modern dance styles with cardio exercises, you will have fun dancing and sweating. The instructor will also adjust the movements and the pace based on everyone’s dance experience as well as in-session feedback.
Q2: 如果我無法每週參與,我是否還可以用$25的整季優惠價報名課程?Can I still take advantage of the full term pricing of $25 if I can’t make the dance class every week?
A2: 當然可以!我們理解有時生活繁忙,計劃趕不上變化,因此並不會要求大家需要出席每堂課程。Of course you can! We understand life is busy and schedules change. There is no mandatory requirement for everyone to attend classes every week.
Q3:舞蹈課程有年齡限制嗎? Is there any age restriction?
A3: 基本上而言,課程主要是為15歲以上的鄉親所設計,但若家中有國小生喜愛跳舞,我們也可開放小學生報名。The dance workshop is generally designed for community members of age 15 and up. However, if there are children in elementary school who are passionate about dance, we will also welcome them to our sessions.